
Showing posts from July, 2020


*The Unexpected Love*  _Season 1_ _Episode 1_ Mr Anuma was known to be a teacher that explore students with grammars and good discipline. He had an average height with a big stomach. On his head was no hair and his shoes had no comparison. He stood in front of his office spacing out with his hands in his pocket. He wore a big brown trouser and a long sleeve shirt which he tocked in. There were flowers in front of the office giving it a perfect beauty. Students hung around at different angles of the school premises, though they appeared in Mr Anuma’s eyes but he wasn’t seeing any of them because he was lost in thought. But he suddenly realised himself to the voice of a familiar student who greeted him. He turned and looked at him. “Wisdom!” he called and adjusted his eyeglass. Wisdom wore a correct uniform of white and green. He never hesitated to tock-in properly and combed his hair. He had an attractive complexion which drives girls crazy making them to have